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After Graduation Series - handling the flame of the world part 2

Writer's picture: Shayniah AmissahShayniah Amissah

Read part 1 if you haven't already but it doesn’t matter if you don’t <3.

Breaking Free from Victimisation

I decided "Why the hell was I playing the victim?" Yes, people hurt me, and hurt people hurt people, right? I vowed myself the day after my birthday that things would change. I’m not sure how but I will figure it out.. I decided to attend my university campus for the last time (13th Feb 2024) to teach a dance class even though I felt completely nervous and typically on edge. It was like being an elephant in a big room; no one ever confronted me about what happened last year (2023). And… I had mixed feelings about it - a sense of relief but also puzzling.

I decided to go ahead and give myself the closure I needed. Only for me and it was so freeing. This chapter of university life was officially closed and I could move on. I will always cherish the memories (good and bad) because all those were significant lessons. It had built my authenticity and I was starting from square one.

I chose to set clear intentions for the people, situations, and circumstances I wanted around in my life.

I remember finishing the dance class extremely late and as I went back to London via train, it turned into Valentine’s Day (14th Feb 2024 at 23:23). During my train journey back home, I journaled a lot in my journal, wrote some notes in my phone as all the small wins I had achieved so far and set clear goals for that year.

It had refreshed my mind, body, and soul. I looked forward to the unknown of the next chapter of my life.

Understanding the Shadow Self

Even though I was depressed, I decided to purge through all the darkness. I realized that everyone (including me) has all coloured flags: the red and green flags and everything in between.

How did I work with these flags?

I worked on my shadow self.

Shadow self: defined as working on the parts of yourself that trigger you and ultimately do not like.

Therefore, I researched shadow prompt questions and wrote every day for months.

Then finally…

I came to a beautiful conclusion.

I was attaching my self-worth in getting my degree to myself… I lost my sense of identity - what truly matters to me aside from the degree❤️.

Lots of Hugs,

Shayniah Amissah

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